Saturday, June 23, 2007

ternyata gw emang tipe orang yang sangat cepat ngerasa jenuh dan bosan (mudah-mudahan gw bukan orang yang membosankan, hehe), baru ganti layout bearapa hari, ehhh gw udah ganti lagi, itupun ngerjainnya ga nyampe 15 menit, BG artworknya simple vektor aja, pake illustrator cs3, sebenernya sih gw ga enak ama si amiina-nya, hehe, itukan artwork buat disablon kebaju, masa dipake disini, dah beda tujuan gitu ... & keknya layout yang ini ga begitu bagus kalo pake browser mozilla, pake IE7 lebih pas, dan gw suka warna yang gw pake disini gw menyebutnya THE WATER TEMPLE .
hmm...bentar lagi gw pulang kampung, dan karena dikampung ga da internetnya (hehe, namanya juga kampung, hhm ga kampung banget juga sih...ahhhhggh) yahhh, terpaksa gw hiatus buat sementara, meninggalkan dunia gemerlap dikota yang penuh kebisingan.

sampai jumpa diwaktu yang akan datang
selamat berlibur
selamat bersenang-senang
selamat jalan


sunday is rainy and gloomy 11:45 AM.


been a while since the last music review...
today i choose three bands instead of one...
klaxons - Myths of the near future (2007)
clinic - visitations (2006)
good shoes - think before you speak (2007)
yeap, they all came from england...
but no offense...
it's only my bare opinion...

klaxons - Myths of the near future (2007)

they called themselves as apocalyptic pop music, while others sees them as new rave, but for me, two words for their music unique & fresh, the albums contains of eleven songs, with big range of various music, they are "Two Receivers", "Atlantis to Interzone" , "Golden Skans", "Totem on the Timeline", "As Above, So Below", "Isle of Her", "Gravity's Rainbow", "Forgotten Works", "Magick", "It's Not Over Yet", and "Four Horsemen of 2012".
their first single (goldens skans) is awesome, great concept for the video, great sounds and so colorful. IMHO this song is the best songs featured on the album, but the rest of the music is worth hearing too. theirs are enjoyable
my favorite tracks are, atlantis to interzone, golden skans, and isle of her.
if you want to taste them, just buy it at your favorite music store
or you can download it from the internet (i provide no link)

clinic - visitations (2006)

okey i do like this band, but i thought that their music no so good enough, they call it an eclectic music, but i didn't found it so eclectic, but yes their music is different, a bit dark, but still worth dancing. this albums contains of twelve songs, and visitation as the first single, they are "Family", "Animal/Human", "Gideon", "Harvest (Within You)", "Tusk", "Paradise", "Children of Kellogg", "If You Could Read Your Mind", "Jigsaw Man", "Interlude", "The New Seeker",
, "Visitations". i could say that this album is not working on me, some good tune to hear are, visitations, tusk, and paradise. maybe you'll have a good fortune with it. Their new album called FUNT is already out in UK (18 2007), i hope this one better than before....

good shoes - think before you speak (2007)

good shoes, yeah-yeah, like em, happy music for happy people, their English accent are so obvious, clear and honest, haha, the album contains of 14 tracks. i like the call ice age, hope you'll like them to, i can say much about the band nor the album.

i review them last night...
see ya...


sunday is rainy and gloomy 11:30 AM.

Thursday, June 21, 2007
perilaku liburan saya


batal take off kemaren bikin gw jadi super freaking bored ama semuanya, everything, harusnya nih sejak seminggu yang lalu gw udah nyampe rumah, udah enak-enakan di depan tipi (walopun isinya ga da yang bermutu), tetep saja kan saya butuh space,
yahhh, semua itu gara-gara gw dan temen-temen yang laen mesti ngikutin ujian ulang kemaren pagi, secara nilai kita pada D & E itu, harusnya libur kq malah ujian 0 (+= , bayangin aja nih, temen gw dateng jaoh-jaoh dari pontianak trus abis ujian balik lagi ke pontianak, absurd....
tapi tak apalah, yang penting gw bisa lulus udah sukur, hahahah (tertawa sambil berguling dilantai), dan bagaimana ujiannya...same as before...its totally rocks, hahaha (tertawa lagi tapi ga guling-guling)...okeh ujian udah lewat, mari kita cerita yang laen


sekarang mari kita kunjungi kost-kost-an gw, sama aja, membosankan, membingungkan, menyebalkan, menyedihkan, yang tadi isinya belasan orang, sekarang tinggal tiga orang, oh my, what a beautiful life, karena ga ada kerjaan, gw iseng berkunjung ke kamar temen gw, dan sebuah percakapan terjadi, "oy, rip, lu ga balik ya, disini aja...?", "males gw, disini aja keknya", jawabnya, "trus lu disini ngapai aja...?", gw bertanya, "keknya sih gw bakalan kursus nih bentar lagi, lumayan kan 2 bulanan", jawabnya, "mo kursus apaan rip...?, gw bertanya dan seketika ia menjawab dengan tegasnya, "gw mo kursus masak"...............(gw terdiam sejenak lalu tertawa tetep ga pake guling-guling), gila aja kan, kontan gw ketawa, ga da kerjaan pake acara kursus masak pula dia, it's not a shame though, couse i do like to cook as well, hhhhhh :):)

akhirnya ketemujuga kesempatan gw buat sedikit bersenang-senang, hmmmm, abis ujian kemaren, gw tetep nongkrong di kapus depan himpunan, sepiiiiiiiii banget, pada kemana orang-orang (ya liburanlah goblog!!!!), setelah muncul beberapa orang teman, tercetuslah ide gw yang udah dipendam dari kemaren-kemaren, "woi, nonton ocean's thirteen yok", ahahaha voila, ide gw diterima anak-anak dengan gembira, awalnya cuma dikit sih, tapi atas bujukan dan rayuan, hingga terkumpulah 18 orang, haahahah, finaly i had the time to taste the fun, ohhh and the movie, it's such a masterpiece from the thief masters there.


gw udah bener-bener bosen disini, bukan muak lagi tapi mual, keberangkatan gw masih LIMA hari lagi, dan gw ga tau mesti ngapain disini, anak kost udah pada ga ada, anak sekolahan juga udah pada ga ada, dan yang paling buruk adalah, kondisi keuangan yang semakin menipis, lu harus percaya, dalem kantong gw sekarang ada duit 17500, dan di dompet gw ada 2000 rupiah saja, hueheheu, pray for me my friend, pray...
let the time lead and let you go.



sunday is rainy and gloomy 1:27 PM.

amiina & new template

i like amiina at most
and i do like the new template

so sit tight and enjoy your meal

and have a nice day

& amiina artwork by me


sunday is rainy and gloomy 12:06 AM.

Sunday, June 17, 2007
it feels like home

ahhhh...saya sudah tidak tahan lagi dibandung, terlalu ramai, pengen cepet-cepet balik.
FYI i was born in Tembilahan, the city of thousands canals, kek venice aja tuh semboyannya, hahah, how's home...? can wait to get there, and it feels so amusing when you find out, that there are things waiting for you in your sweet little hometown right...? yeah, it quite a little city though, it is located on a riverside of Indragiri river, you can call it a village...a lot of traditional things you can find here, and so, you can go fishing, walking n the riverside, buy things at the river market, visit a bunch of old friends there, and the most that i can stand is...the food....:) it fells like i'm gonna die for it, my mother's cooking, uhhhhhhhgggg...!!! and some of my favorite dinning spot around the town...

fuihh... it's a long run to get there, from bandung you'll have to travel 3 hours by car + 2 hours by plane + 8 hours by car, it's far isn't it?

oh i miss much about traditional live, getting yourself lazying around everyday, sleeping, eating, watching, and sleeping, and eating, and watching again , and so on....hahahaahaha

here is a bunch of pictures of my beautiful little town...hope you feel the atmosphere...hahaha
(photos, courtesy of my older cousin)

it's lovely right...?
can't hardly waiting here, but i need to finish a few things first, and here i come :)

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sunday is rainy and gloomy 1:01 PM.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

yaps...tadi pagi pas bangun, ada satu pesan yang bunyinya begini:

"lomonesia & elysium present LOMO ON a LOMOGRAPHY EXHIBITION. Opening 16 JUNE 2007, 18 PM at elysium, Maulana Yusuf 10. free beers and snack"

gara2 sms diatas jadi niat ngebahas sedikit tentang lomo...

what is LOMOGRAPHY anyway...sepengetahuan saya lomograhpy itu adalah fotografi yang tidak menggunakan teknik memotret pada umumnya alias diluar teknik umum fotografi seperti keteraturan komposisi, bukaan, shutter speed dll atau memotret sesuka hatikamera yang dipake juga sedikit berbeda, yaitu kamera lomo. kalo ga salah lomografi awalnya berasal dari rusia, sebuah teknik/produk yang dibuat untuk menyaingi/menyalahi aturan fotografi atau bisa disebut mainstream counterfield CMIIW, namun belakangan jadi semakin populer, karena variasi dan hasil dari kamera lomo juga semakin banyak, lomo juga akrab dengan candid, casual fotography, fotography for fun, snapshot and others, di indonesia sendiri terdapat sebuah komunitas lomografer, LOMONESIA.

kemaren dulu sempet pengen beli kamera lomo, namun apalah daya, hehehe. emang sih harga sebuah kamera lomo tidak semahal LSR/DSLR, malah jauh lebih murah, dan accecoriesnya juga lumayan terjangkau, bagi yang benar benar berminat, hhh
sedikit contoh:

interested...? sayangnya nyari kamera lomo di Indonesia lumayan susah, kalo mau mudah tinggal beli di internet aja, rata2 produk cina kq

here is a several link about LOMOGRAPHY

lomography international


sunday is rainy and gloomy 7:06 PM.

Friday, June 15, 2007
E post

haha...yesterday was a nightmare mate...
totally absurd...
here it goes...

sebenernya kemaren itu hari pengumuman nilai terakhir, everythings seems to e alright, until the last subject came out...KONSTRUKSI BANGUNAN...yeah...salah satu mata kuliah paling ditakuti semester kemaren...dosen super killer itu akhirnya menempelkan nilai di papan pengumuman, anak-anak pun pada berlarian...dan yang terlihat adalah sebuah kejadian yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya, bayangkan saja...dari 2 kelas dengan total siswa sekitar 90 orang, 80 orang diantaranya mendapat nilai D dan E, canggih emang tuh dosen, and the bad thing is i am one of the 80, ughhhh, this is the worst thing i can never imagine...
masa sih taon depan jurusan mesti buka 4 kelas...haha...gara-gara ini, saya dan beberapa teman akhirnya harus membatalkan keberangkatan yang udah diatur sejak lama, angus deh tiket pesawat gw (gw udah bayar nih)...
ya sudahlah, mungkin ini emang yang terbaik...(pasang tampang super desperate)

oh iya...let's not forget to give my best wish to all my friends whose on the duty to ARSITEKTUR BAKTI DESA to garut...give your best guys.......


sunday is rainy and gloomy 12:07 PM.